Thursday, October 28, 2010

Progress and Exciting Advancements in Documentation

Well it is nearly 3am and all that is left to do is the coding of the Arduino gadget monster thing. Since Chris is basically nocturnal, and is also the Arduino god of our group, we're just going to leave that to him. He's currently chatting with someone in another group who just got some radio Arduino communication thing to work.

I have exciting news from the land of documentation - although I have yet to start a continuous Google Doc or any sort of archive of emails (outside my inbox) or uploading stuff periodically to the CTools page, I did create a couple of pages in order to promote group uploading and publishing our work to the outside world. If you want to follow our group specifically, the links are below.

Flickr: (no uploads yet since I have to grab them from facebook since those have a much smaller file size)

YouTube: (3 videos so far)

Also I have to say thanks to Prof. Max Shtein who is letting me use his camera for the semester. Most of the pictures were/will be taken from my own camera, but some pictures were/will be taken on the Shtein Cam, such as when my batteries die or when it's just more convenient. Videos were/will be taken exclusively on the Shtein Cam since that camera is far better at videos than my older model. Both are slightly beat-up Canon point-and-shoot digital cameras. Mine is an older model with more settings and zoom, but the file sizes of anything are humongous. The Shtein Cam appears to be a newer model will fewer functions but much better video and possibly smaller file sizes.

The only thing I have to finish for tomorrow is the budget and the presentation. We probably should've decided to meet early tomorrow so we could go over the presentation. oh well...I'll just upload everything to CTools and send out a notification.

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